Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Women Crush Wednesday: Sabrina Grimm

I don't think many people know about the middle grade, fantasy series The Sisters Grimm: Fairy-Tale Detectives. This is not a review about the series but a tribute to the voice and one of the series main characters. Sabrina Grimm is the twelve-year-old protagonist with more willpower than other adult characters I have stumbled upon. Although she is hot headed, reckless and doesn't realize that some of her actions hurt those around her until it is too late, she is still a very complicated character. And throughout the series we see substantial character growth, which is great. Certain characters in other series do not have the same amount, or any, character growth, which is an essential part of a story. Some books, characters, have better growth and development and others have less, more disappointing, development and growth. I was not disappointed.    

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